Monday, May 2, 2011

Welcome to My Blog


Yay you're here!
I'm glad you decided to read my blog. This is an experience of a lifetime, and I can't wait to write about it and, of course, post a bunch of pictures. I also think it'd be cool if you can actually hear me speak Chinese. Therefore, if I figure out how to use video editor software, upload videos to youtube, and post them to this blog, then video messages will be available for you. Furthermore, I may also type some of my posts both in English and Simplified Mandarin Chinese. I'm really excited about doing this blog, and I have so much planned for my trip. Let's hope I have some free time to update you. hehe ^_^

Blog is "Under Construction"
For now the website is under construction, meaning I'm still in the creation phase of the blog. However, you can read new posts beginning June 17, 2011. In the meantime, feel free to familiarize yourself with various aspects of the blog. I've created multiple pages that are dedicated to my study of the Chinese language, new experiences in Taiwan, good eating, and much more. I hope you enjoy my posts. ;)

Get the latest updates!
If your interested in reading new posts as soon as they are made available to you, then utilize the "Follow by email" gadget located in the left hand column. Type your email address, then click the button, and afterwords, a pop-up will appear. You will be given directions on how to complete the process to receive notifications of new posts through your email. I hope to post frequently, so please be ready to receive many emails. =)

Contact me
Don't let time differences get in the way of communication. Since this will be the first time out of the country by myself, I am hoping to keep in contact with you and ease some of the separation. Find me on facebook through my email: or leave me a message on Skype: vng1533

Veronica Garcia